FLSI reminds you to take care of the following tasks:
- Remove heat shields. If you run without heat shields in the warmer months, it’s safe to remove them now.
- Check pump heater and cab heater valves. Many trucks have valves for both the pump heater and the cab coolant. If they were turned on, then turn them off now. On some trucks, if you don’t turn them off, the air conditioning won’t cool your truck. On custom cabs, the valves usually are behind the engine. Tilt the cab to access the valves. On a commercial chassis, the valves are usually on the passenger side of the engine.
- Check all valves and packing on dry pumps. If you run dry pumps during the winter, now is a great time to flood the pump and make sure nothing leaks from broken valves or old packing.
If you have any concerns, please call our service department at (800) 289-3574 or email service@flsi.net